| 1. | Why not make a pecuniary sacrifice ? 为什么不能在用度上紧缩一点呢? |
| 2. | Why not let giles fetch her by himself ? 干嘛不让基尔斯自己去接她? |
| 3. | Why not just wait and see what happens ? 何不静观其结果呢? |
| 4. | Why not get pyne and let him submit some plans . 为什么不叫潘因来,让他提点计划。 |
| 5. | So why not take the plunge and have it over ? 你为什么不鼓起勇气把这事赶紧解决了呢? |
| 6. | Oh, why not a hundred thousand and be done with it . 嘿,干吗不说十万金元,那不就结了。 |
| 7. | Why not since i declined his offer absolutely ? 为什么不能?要知道我斩钉截铁地拒绝他了。 |
| 8. | Why not have a peaceful drink and chat by ourselves ? 咱们干嘛不安安静静地喝着酒闲聊一会儿呢? |
| 9. | Why not go now ? 为什么不现在就去? |
| 10. | Why not have a try ? 你何妨试一试。 |